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6 Ways To Become Healthier And Happier Everyday

Truly many people wish they could live happier every day. However, even the happiest people on earth have moments where they go through the motions. For others, this is more frequent and makes it hard to make the most out of their life. Scientific evidence has shown many benefits of being happy for your health, including fighting stress and boosting your immune system. You may have your own idea of true happiness and living a satisfying life, and the tips below can help you achieve this daily. 

Keep active

Exercise is beneficial to more than just your physical health. In addition to decreasing stress and depression symptoms, regular exercise can also boost your self-esteem and happiness. Even minor activity can make a lot of difference. Exercising like you are preparing for the next London marathon is unnecessary unless you enjoy doing so. The key is to avoid overexertion. Forcing yourself into a tough schedule can also be frustrating and cause soreness. A late-night walk around the block is fine. You can also begin each with five minutes of stretching or signup for a yoga class. 


The benefits of meditating are impressive. Spending five minutes in a mindfulness activity after waking every morning can offer instant benefits such as increased inner clarity and maintaining your focus throughout the day. This allows you to work towards your goals, decrease your limiting beliefs and stay in the moment. Research has shown that meditation also helps minimise anxiety and tension symptoms, which may hinder your ability to achieve your goals.


You probably only smile when you are pleased, and according to some research, the action prompts the brain to produce dopamine, making you even happier. Although studies aren’t conclusive, some researchers established a positive link between smiling and happiness based on the facial feedback theory, which suggests that facial expressions have a minor impact on emotions. This doesn’t suggest walking around wearing a fake smile. But anytime you are feeling down, try smiling and see what happens. You can also start each day smiling at yourself in the mirror. 

Get more sleep 

Most individuals require at least seven hours of sleep each night. If you feel like you need to nap during the day or are tired, you probably aren’t getting enough good night’s sleep. Sufficient sleep is necessary regardless of what modern hustle culture suggests and promotes. The benefits of sleep include improving cognitive function and lowering the risk of developing illnesses like diabetes and depression. Therefore, starting today, try and get more sleep. See your doctor if you are constantly having trouble sleeping to bring some more happiness to your life.  

Do something you enjoy 

What you do daily can either make you happy or sad. For many people, their job takes up most of their time, with the average British employee working 34 hours and 26 minutes per week, totalling 1795 hours annually. It is safe to say that people’s work affects their lives. According to the Mirror, over 36% of brits are unhappy in their jobs. So you might want to consider your work if you regularly go through the motions. It can be useful to consider switching or taking up a career that brings you more happiness. For instance, if you enjoy helping people stay healthy and achieving their fitness goals, you can kick start a career in fitness. Fortunately, you can acquire the needed certification, including a cert 3 in fitness online. This tip does not only apply to work. Instead, it encourages you to spend a significant amount of your time doing something you genuinely enjoy.

Declutter and clean

It is easy to fill your home with things you don’t quite need. Unfortunately, these items don’t only suffocate our space but can have a detrimental effect on your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. However, you can reverse this by cleaning your space. Watch your mood and happiness improve when you spend a few minutes decluttering and removing accumulated dust in your living areas. You don’t have to do everything at a go. Focus on one area at a time and watch your entire space improve. You can donate the valuable items you don’t need or sell them online. A 2008 Harvard Business School study showed that giving to others can be uplifting than spending on yourself. So consider donating your unused items to gain more joy and happiness. 

Everybody deserves happiness, but it doesn’t just happen because you want it. Considering the tips above and making little adjustments in your thinking, behaviour, environment, and relationships can go a long way to helping you live a happier life.