Setting the vibe with intricate and resonating plucked guitar, CHANDLER opens his latest single, In the Movies with the intimate and conceptual lyrics, “It never happens like this in the movies, the guy gets the girl and they kiss in the end and the funny best friend gets a spin-off, so we can all root for them…”
As the song expands, CHANDLER goes on to tell us about the realities of his existence, he sings emotively “why’s it got to be so hard” before manifesting change with “can’t I just skip to the part, when I’m winning, making me a killing…”
According to the rising artist from LA, In the Movies is about “grappling in the struggle, the push and pull, of accepting your reality and that tinge of disappointment that rises up from your gut to remind you you’re not where you wanted to be at a certain stage of your life”.

The frequency is catchy pop-folk with powerful bass lines, featuring vulnerable, intricate and optimistic song-writing with nuanced vocal details, and the cute responses to CHANDLER‘s own narrative architecture really amplify the listening experience.
We love In the Movies and it’s message, and have no doubt that CHANDLER will be able to buy Bentleys for his brother’s kids and take his mother on a trip in the near future!
We have added In the Movies to our New Music Spotlight playlist and have been immersing ourselves in CHANDLER‘s discography which we can expect to expand this year with three upcoming EPs!