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Chris D’Agostino sends inspiring and connected message with exquisite new single, Don’t Mind the Rain

Setting the tone with textures of expansive layered vocals, Chris D’Agostino opens his latest release Don’t Mind the Rain with introspective lyrics, “sorrows, those unforgiving sorrows, maybe they were meant to be…”

The wise rising artist from Boston sings about acceptance of universal design on his new lo-fi indie release. Lo-fi in soundscape, hi-fi in concept.

The song is a vintage song composed in 1924 by Chester Conn and Ned Miller, and Chris D’Agostino has spun it in his own direction using all unique parts to his voice and creating an arrangement with exquisite and immersive instrumentals that support the soothing melody.

The song makes us see rainy days in a different light and accept the fundamental learning that we are one with the universe.

“Make sure you’re heart’s still beating in the world that’s fleeting” sings the prophetic and inspiring artist. We love the timbre of Chris’ vocals and are hypnotized by his delivery on this enigmatic track.

We have been immersing in Chris’ wider discography including Feels Like Summer and Social Tremors. Don’t Mind the Rain has also been added to our New Music Spotlight playlist!