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Gillian Rae Perry shares affirming and empowering new single, A Reminder

Setting the tone with textured synths, layered frequencies and tweeting birds, Gillian Rae Perry‘s immersive new song, A Reminder, opens with the introspective lyrics, “people like you, people love you, you’re not broken.”

Filled with positive affirmations and a refined and poetic mantra-esque delivery of wise words of support from the profound artist, A Reminder continues with, “You’re enough, just the way you are…”

The energy of the song is vibrant and possessing as the message is cemented into the ears of the listener. Speaking on the creation of the track, Gillian Rae Perry says, “This song was written to serve as a reminder to myself and others to be kind to yourself and know that you are loved.” We definitely feel that energy from the song, and have been listening on repeat.

A Reminder heroes Gillian Rae Perry‘s background in contemporary classical music to create a dreamy soundscape sending a conscious and enlightened message of self love.

We love the instrumentation with strings, synths and ethereal vocals which “envelop the listener in an auditory hug” in this love letter to the self.

Gillian Rae Perry‘s themes in her wider work focus on mental health, particularly the ways the singer had battled with her own depression and anxiety. Gillian adds, “This new song serves as a balm for these struggles and a continual reminder that things will get better.”

You can explore more of Gillian Rae Perry‘s discography on all major streaming platforms, including her albums The Velveteen Rabbit, Lost Children and Gilly. A Reminder has also been added to our New Music Spotlight playlist and we are excited to immerse ourselves further in the conscious artist’s work.