My vegan journey with the media has been and interesting rollercoaster. I’ve been vegan for three and a half years and in that time, I have taken part in various public television debates – mostly on the BBC with regards to the future of humanity and the very obvious shortcut of non-violence to amplify peace energy on this planet.
When a non-vegan edits a vegan there is almost always an unconscious suppression agenda, and for that reason I had to stop being click bait for outlets and people that didn’t take the movement seriously, and instead share on my own channels and be an activist in my own way within my community. Safe to say I have learnt a lot, and refined my approach resulting in 100s if not thousands of people effectively drawing the hard line on violent consumption of animal products and I am grateful for that.
Fast forward a couple of years and I have been building a relationship with The Vegan Society (founded in 1944), so it was a no-brainer when they asked me to be part of the new optimistic and informative Future Normal campaign featuring some thought leaders in the consciousness space.

You can experience the campaign at: which features NEO 10Y, VOX SLY, Jay Brave and more discussing a range of topics from love to speciesism, world peace to kindness, compassion to oppression, lightbulb moments to consciousness. It’s a beautifully curated and created campaign produced by UP.
Here’s to opening some minds and hearts. With love, NEO 10Y

NEO 10Y for The Vegan Society / Nik Thakkar for The Vegan Society