Racism is a systemic issue that disproportionately affects brown and black people. This is rooted in deep global colourism across many cultures and affects everyone due to its long term, historic issues.
That is why we need to speak up. I have had the privilege of living in major cities, being brown and often ethnically ambiguous and born to East African Asian parents that are progressive individuals but there is so much in the system that needs reparations – in colonial Britain, the USA (which is currently in the midst of serious protests) and across the world.
My music, videos and performances (Trump film, Black Pride etc.) consistently shows symbolism between the poles of reality and I have been pro BLM since before it was a collective. If you have just discovered this movement and want to help, here are some ways:
Listen to Black and Brown Artists and Activists
Share Information Within Your Community
Start Conversations
It’s so important to continue representing and being conscious, across all intersections. World peace will be found through anti-oppression ideologies.
Photo by Mark Clennon