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Natural Ways to Look and Feel Younger

The ageing process is a construct defined by the patriarchy, media, history and our peers – obviously it is part of the evolution process but we don’t have to age in the way that society expects us to.

When we were kids, we couldn’t wait for adulthood, with all the freedom and adventure it would bring. As we age, our physical bodies evolve and our energy output can be modified, but it’s imperative to continue to tap into movement, ayurvedic consumption etc. to maintain the healthy vitality of youth, but what’s the key?

The good news is, you don’t need expensive cosmetic treatments, hair transplants or a new set of teeth to recapture your youth. Your lifestyle has a massive influence on how you age. If you are feeling the effects of age on your body, or are concerned that the best years of your life are slipping by, there are some small changes you can make in your life that will make you look and feel as if you are in your early twenties again. These tips are all-natural and inexpensive, so you don’t have to be rich or famous to feel the benefits.

  1. Manage Anxiety and Stress

If you regularly feel on edge and anxious, then this is the first place to start. Studies have shown that chronic stress can speed up the physical effects of ageing. Find ways to alleviate the worries and burdens of your life while injecting more calm and tranquillity into your daily routine. Work and family commitments are usually the most significant pressures in life. Is there a way to recalibrate your workload? Can you share the burden of family responsibilities? Working on yourself is key – understanding any ancestral traumas etc. is really important too. Taking time out to enjoy calming activities is essential. A daily walk in nature or a moment of meditation can do wonders for your stress levels.

  1. Eat well

Your diet is one of the primary contributing factors to your outward appearance, so by taking care to eat right, you can make your body look and feel healthier. A plant-rich diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables will give your body sufficient nutrients to promote healthy ageing, while eating lots of protein will help your body build new cells and keep you looking younger and fitter. There are plenty of vegan protein sources available. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in nuts and seeds have also been shown to have anti-ageing effects.

  1. Limit alcohol and caffeine

Although there’s nothing wrong with a cup of coffee in moderation – in fact, there are some minor health benefits – you should take care not to partake in acidic consumption too frequently. Too much alcohol and caffeine are harmful to your health and appearance. They both dehydrate the body and deplete it off nutrients, making your skin look puffy, bloated and older.

  1. Stay hydrated

Drinking eight glasses of water a day will keep your skin glowing and radiant. Avoid dehydration at all costs. It is detrimental to the health of your skin and the functioning of your body. Water is life. Remember our bodies are 75% water.

  1. Get moving

Regular exercise can help you lose weight, tone your muscles and alleviate stress. Make time for a session of moderate-intensity activity at least three times a week. It doesn’t matter whether it’s running, walking, swimming or kickboxing, as long you get the heart pumping and sweat pouring then you know it’s a good workout.

  1. Use natural skin treatments

Looking after your skin is the number one way to keep yourself looking young for longer. Adopting a good skincare routine that exfoliates and moisturises the skin will keep the skin hydrated, unclog pores and reduce the likelihood of wrinkles. There are plenty of natural, eco-friendly and vegan skincare products you can buy.

  1. Cut out smoking

One of the worst things you can do to your body is smoking, so you must cut out any tobacco products if you want to reduce the effects of ageing. Aside from the numerous and severe health risks, smoking causes wrinkles, dehydrates the skin, and can lead to yellow, stained teeth and fingers.

  1. Stay out of the sun

As much as the sun can boost your mood, it is not wise to spend too much time in it. Over-exposure to bright sunlight can severely damage your skin, and lead to more serious problems such as cancer. Always apply a high factor sunscreen and wear protection such as hats and long sleeves.

There are no quick fixes to keeping your body looking youthful; it is all about lifestyle and building good habits. I hope this helped as a reminder and that we are healthier and stronger for it collectively.

This is a contributed post edited by Nik