Focussing on home work outs has obviously been a really important theme globally during the pandemic, and I feel we are all learning more about our core and body and how to stay fit within confinement. I almost feel like it is something we should have learnt more of when we were kids. We can use this time to harness healing benefits and make sure we come out of quarantine ready to hit the ground running, literally.
Experiences of injury can put a stop to your flow and your goals – albeit temporarily. This, of course, can be frustrating and may make you feel down. You may be annoyed that you were close to reaching personal bests or targets and can no longer reach them as quickly as you expected but sometimes you have to trust in the universe.
You might find yourself with too much spare time on your hands but use that for healing – learn reiki and exercise the body part the best that you can. I hurt my shoulder last year and I focussed my energy and did kundalini yoga breathing into my shoulder that really helped me.
Taking time away from the gym is really important if your doctor recommends that you need to take a break in order to recover from your injury properly. Here are a few steps that you can take to make sure your recovery is as effective as possible:
Learn Reiki
Your body already knows how to heal, but healing with intention is proven by quantum physics to amplify the process and allow you faster recovery. There are lots of ancient healing methods but reiki is something you can learn – you have to build your power and harness healing in a multi-faceted way – through what you consume, how you think and how you believe and a connection with universal consciousness can help you be the best version of yourself and speed up the process.
Protect Your Emotional and Mental Health
An injury might have some trauma attached to it which can be put to rest if your injury is a result of someone else’s negligent behaviour and you know that justice has been served. It can be grating to know that someone has caused this situation and simply got away with it, free to do the same to someone else in the future. Seek out specialists in the area pertaining to your injury – whether that’s an auto accident law firm, a medical negligence law firm, slip and fall lawyers or specialists in any other area. They should be able to seek justice and compensation for you.
Listen to Your Doctor
Definitely avoid your workouts for as long as your doctor recommends that you do. This may seem like a long time, but if you head back to the gym regardless, you may actually worsen your current injuries and prevent yourself from having a good workout for an even longer period of time. Healing is so important, but even minimal yoga stretching can really keep you tone and buff!
Sound Therapy For Healing
Adding a frequency here for healing which is great to listen to when you are focussing your energy on healing. You can leave this on overnight while you sleep.
Don’t Rush Back
I get frustrated all the time but sometimes you need to let the universe take its course. When you know that you’re ready to start working out again, you will know. It’s generally best to ease back in. Your body may not be in quite the shape or condition it was prior to your injury being sustained and you may have to build your way back up to where you were when you were last in the gym. This can be frustrating, but take things slowly and you’ll eventually get there.
This is a contributed post, edited by Nik