In theory it is world vegan month, not to be confused with Veganuary, but also every single month for the last 20 months for me. In honour or all of this, I wanted to share the briefest of updates with you. The great things that have come to light from my vegan life is a drastically reduced carbon footprint, literally better karma, completely clear skin (y’all know I look after this anyway, but legit, it is has never been so easy), higher vibration (my reiki game is fire now), more energy overall and a stronger sense of compassion, love, saving the animals(!!), the planet and tight abs.
Regarding the planet, I wanted to talk about a couple of things, especially following the IPCC, UN and WWE reports. In order for us to literally stop coastal cities from flooding any further, we have a critical time in which to act, and to stabilise temperatures, emissions need to reach net zero and stay there. That means cutting emissions as much as possible and drawing carbon dioxide out of the air to balance out any remaining emissions. The amount of warming is ultimately determined by how long it takes to get to net zero. The biggest polluter is animal agriculture. The planet urgently needs to go meat free for this. It is not impossible and I feel that everyone is becoming sentient and it is becoming more and more uncool to consume meat and dairy. Phew.
It’s not happening quickly enough though, and the systemic abuse of human minds to convince them that we are flesh eating zombies is a fallacy that needs to be removed from everyone’s minds. We have so much potential and peaceful non-violent, non-dominion coexistence really is the answer.
Just remember, a vegan world would feed every starving mouth, would reduce impact from climate change drastically and would increase the karmic value of this planet a thousand fold.
Are you for the world, or against it? We are the first generation that know we are destroying the world. And we could be the last that can do anything about it. #FightForYourWorld
— WWF UK (@wwf_uk) November 2, 2018
I also attended the declaration of rebellion event at Parliament Square by Extinction Rebellion, and it proved that there is a really long way to go still even with the habits of the protestors, myself included to an extent re gasoline at least. Made this little video, really decent turnout to start with and the overall sentiment of the cause is really great. Check it out at I will continue to support them as they are really the only ones speaking up in an organised way. Peace and love, your intersectional friend.