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What Makes You Evolve Your Journey?

Who you are today isn’t who you were yesterday; life is a constant evolution. Beyond the realm of survival instincts – which pushed our ancestors to actively transform their lives all the time – the modern call from changes comes from a variety of sources. Mostly world peace, but there’s a lot we have to do to work on ourselves too. Knowledge, curiousity, compassion and self realisation is all a part of this process.

The first and most common reason for wanting change is knowledge. Knowing we can do better pushes a lot of individuals to find a path that values their skills and experience. It is also a natural evolution, especially in a professional environment where you can attend courses to keep your skills up-to-date with the current trends and requirements. It’s not uncommon for office employees to take administrative or business management studies – such as online BBA programs – with the desire to enhance their functions within the company. There’s no denying that to remain good at what you do, you need to make learning a routine. From understanding market trends to discovering the key to boost your productivity, the more you learn, the more valuable you become. But as you master new skills, your professional journey needs to evolve with you. Ultimately, the main reason for changing jobs is the realisation that you could do more than what you’re paid to do. Sometimes, we simply change the journey because we have the means to do better.

Are you really where you want to be? What seems like an innocent question could be a life crisis under the right – or wrong – circumstances. Staying true to the person you are is one of the most difficult things you’ll have to do in life. Your world is a world of impossible expectations. On the one hand, you are confronted with physical world pressures. On the other hand, you need to juggle a rise to stardom, friendship, and family relationships and community responsibilities, which can make it hard to stay connected to your true self. For many individuals, change occurs when they find back the way to their inner selves and start to pay attention to what they truly desire. I always think about it as a cosmic shift. Sitting in silence and absorbing your surroundings can seem like an odd activity at first, but within a few minutes, it can help you to gain clarity on your thoughts. Once you remove the constant background noise, you begin to hear your own thoughts again. Sometimes, it acts as a wake-up call, the moment of realisation that you are not where you’re supposed to be. Meditation is everything.

Life can be challenging at times. But when it feels wrong, it’s probably because you’re stuck in a life you don’t want to be living. Change occurs when you become aware that you’re not where you want to be. For instance, if you’ve been complaining about something for a long time, you need to be realistic about it. Complaining about the same issue over and over again isn’t going to solve anything. But change and action will. If you are reading this on a cell phone or computer, you have options to build the life you want, whether through leaving an unpleasant situation or working to improve it.

Last but not least, life is full of unexpected events that can transform your expectations and needs. Ultimately, when your day-to-day routine isn’t fit for purpose anymore, you need to reconsider your options and find a solution that matches your new requirements. My advice would be to meditate to manifest and take affirmative action.

This post is contributed, and then edited by Nik.